@GCIConservation: #Getty Master Class on Museum Lighting, Options Beyond White LED
On February 11 & 12, 2016, and the Lunder Conservation Center at the Smithsonian will give a 2-day master class on recent developments in museum and gallery lighting. Although the application period is closed the topic itself is of utmost importance for the green museum world.
As Getty states, “this master class will present a structured framework for understanding and discussing recent advances and methodologies for the effective use and evaluation of the new generation of LED lighting, including the accompanying control options for museum settings. It will specifically address the opportunities and challenges of the introduction of color-tunable LED lighting systems and will explore how these can be utilized in museum exhibits. It will also reflect on energy consumption issues of new LED lighting systems.”
The UK’s Museum Association also did a comprehensive article that is still relevant on whether or not it is time to, it’s worth a read!